Tracy Weisman

“I've always loved a good story. A lifelong communications professional and speech writer, I was always instinctively drawn to metaphors and employed them in my written work to make ideas really 'stick' with an audience.

Today as a visual artist, I'm telling my own stories. I'm intrigued by the past lives of found objects and my practice involves collecting, sorting, and manipulating materials to discover patterns and meaning, and rearranging them into works of social commentary and autobiographical themes. 

By harnessing the non-verbal communication power of quotidian objects, I aim to create metaphorically and emotionally dense visual stories that reflect our shared humanity and stop viewers in their tracks.”

Tracy Weisman is a visual storyteller with studios in Narragansett, RI and Palm Springs, CA. 

A lifelong maker and lover of pattern and geometry, she began her artistic career after taking a quilting class as a young mother. Her quilted pieces were juried twice into the biennial “Sacred Threads” exhibition, appear in the historic AIDS Memorial Quilt, have been published in The New Work of Our Hands and are in numerous private collections. 

Today, her practice is inter-disciplinary and includes art garments, photography, sculpture, textiles, mixed-media, collage and assemblage. Her work has appeared nationally in group shows and addresses themes of memory, grief, body image, the American presidency, gun violence, and the clerical sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic Church.

트레이시 와이즈맨(Tracy Weisman)은 로드 아일랜드주 나라간세트(Narragansett)와 캘리포니아주 팜 스프링스(Palm Springs)의 스튜디오에서 활동하는 시각적 스토리텔러이다.

평생 동안 창작과 무늬와 형태를 사랑해 온 그녀는 젊은 엄마로 보내던 시절에 퀼팅 수업을 수강하면서 예술적 경력을 쌓기 시작했다. 그녀의 퀼트 작품은 두 차례 'Sacred Threads (신성한 실타래)' 전시회에 선정되었고, 역사적인 AIDS Memorial Quilt (에이즈 추모 퀼트) 에 포함되었으며, 『The New Work of Our Hands (우리 손의 새로운 작업)』에 실렸고, 여러 개인 컬렉션에 소장되어 있다.

현재 그녀의 작업은 다양한 분야를 아우르며, 의상, 사진, 조각, 섬유, 혼합 매체, 콜라주, 그리고 어셈블리 작업 등이 있다. 그녀의 작품은 전국적인 단체 전시회에 참여했으며, 기억, 슬픔, 신체 이미지, 미국 대통령, 총기 폭력, 그리고 가톨릭 교회의 성직자 성폭력 스캔들 등 다양한 주제를 다루고 있다.