Collaborations with Hayoung Kim:
16 Strafford Terrace
Inspired by it’s next door neighbour 18 Stafford Terrace, formerly the home of noted illustrator Edward Linley Sambourne, now preserved as a museum. While the two houses share a similar layout, the interiors clearly reflect the different aesthetics of decoration done more than 100 years apart.
Present from the Past
The 60th Commemoration of the Korean War. As times have changed, so have viewpoints. These artists, all born after that War, have been part of sixty years of prosperity and relative stability; from ashes to a jungle of skyscrapers, they themselves represent Korea’s dramatic change.
The exhibition brings back ‘touch’ which has been tabooed and sterilised recently with the pandemic. The exhibition began with thoughts of revitalising the joie de vivre, much needed after repeated lockdowns, but it inevitably brought the memory of our recent loss and heightened perception. The different iterations of touch are revealed through this exhibition, Touch.