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On the Line


  • artists: JOO Myung Duck, KANG Woon Gu, KOO Bohnchang, OH Hein-Kuhn, LEE Gap-chul,

    KOH Myung Keun, CHOI Kwangho, WON Seoung Won, Nanda, BACK Seung Woo

    sponsored by: Ministry of National Defense

    Press Here for the Viewing Room

Sponsor’s statement:

For On the Line, Exhibition Commemorating 60th Anniversary of the Korean War a period of 60 years has a special meaning for Koreans. Although its significance has faded due to increases of lifespan, one's 60th birthday called "hoe-gap" in the Korean language is still celebrated in Korean society. This year which is the 60th anniversary of the Korean War has two important meanings for us. The first meaning is self-reflection and introspection. On the 26th of March this year, we experienced great sorrow from the incident of ROK Cheonan that sank, taking 46 precious lives of our naval servicemen. The incident of ROK Cheonan reminded us once again that the war is not over. It has been only temporarily

halted. In actuality, it still continues 60 years after its outbreak. The incident of ROK Cheanan impels us to look back on our complacency and insensitivity to national security despite the fact that we have been within the closest proximity to the most hostile force in the past 60 years. Accordingly, it is my hope that this photo exhibition that commemorates the 60th anniversary of the Korean War will provide an opportunity for us to look back on ourselves. Through such introspection, I hope we will reawaken our sense of national security. The second meaning is remembrance and commemoration. It is very likely that Korean War veterans in Korea as well as those from the 16 countries

that participated in the war will visit this photo exhibition held in the 60th anniversary year of the Korean War. Additionally, the event will provide us an opportunity to show the deep gratitude of Koreans for veterans and the pride of the 'Greater Republic of Korea' that has become an 'aid provider' from 'aid recipient'. These are the reasons why this exhibition is

scheduled to continue in the US and the UK after its exhibition in Korea. Furthermore, the photo album published through this exhibition will be distributed to the public libraries of the countries that participated in the war. It will be a meaningful endeavor that provides citizens and students in the countries with opportunities to learn. Lastly, on behalf of all Koreans, I express our deep gratitude for the Korean War veterans and people of the 16 countries. Also, I'd like to thank the top ten photographers of Korea for their great passion and their great art work displayed at this photo exhibition.

December 3


June 26

Present from the Past